Friday, February 19, 2010

Let's meet the neighbor

this me next door neighbor miley
she really like me. i mean, really, really, really like me a LOT.
freak dre out a bit.

oi! what the....
aggressive lady.

dre gotta go now. maybe i call you later.

Monday, February 8, 2010

ah - finally

hi kids!
finally got minimum wage working. (he probably as bad as mom.)

our human friend jennifer send dre some pictures from new year party...
i knows it kind of too late, old news, but there some funny ones.

dre try this thing call cat nip for first time. (in a shape of crown fish: bottom left)
no i did not inhale that cat nip.

getting high. dre not know what's going on.

me & dad passed out.
before midnight.