the pack go archaeological dig to mud flats. me human pack member have delusion they find some ancient indian artifacts there so we keep going back.
even though we get shot by rednecks. and get attacked by herd of bigfoot.
even though we get shot by rednecks. and get attacked by herd of bigfoot.

dre have fun anyway with bella while me human slaves dig holes.

near by we find this. after much discussion with me academic colleagues,
we conclude this was used as drinking vessel
for some kind of ceremonial ritual by the rednecks.
from the hieroglyph on the side, we can tell that it was probably ceremony to honor stone and light.
we conclude this was used as drinking vessel
for some kind of ceremonial ritual by the rednecks.
from the hieroglyph on the side, we can tell that it was probably ceremony to honor stone and light.

oh! bigfoot siting! can you see him?
What a fun day out at the dig...I bet you could find a good bone if you tried. I would be scared if I saw a bigfoot. You are brave
Oh how fun!
I've been known to dig a bit - if I've got some inSCentive!
Hi, Doctor Dre!
Sure you all had a pawesome time there!
Those things you found there are very interesting!
Those bones look a little bit... old... but maybe with a good chew they could be tasty!
Kisses and hugs
Sounds like an interesting day, Dre. Did they let you chew on the bones???
Be sure to stop by our bloggie. We've given you an award!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Wow...the elusive Redneck tribe??? We actually have had sightings of LIVE rednecks here in Central Texas....
Too funny. For sure there should be some relics from the Redneck Tribe there.They are a nomadic group! I'll send the pooches over to see you in a little bit.
Love to your mommy & daddy!
Dre, I am thrilled to see you at it again. Did you happen upon any rednecks? :)
What a great dig! Looks like a good time was had by all! We find a lot of those redneck artifacts around here, too. They must be EVERYwhere!
Penny & Patches
Dre, those rednecks could come in handy during the zombie apocalypse.
Just sayin'...
I'd chew on those bones! YUM!
Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Those rednecks are indeed a strange tribe - be careful we have seen the hills have eyes!
Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Hello, Dw Dwe,
I just saw you on my fwiend Bogawt's bloggie..you wock!!!
and youw awcheological expedition is faboolous
smoochie kisses
idenerHi Dre,
We've come over from Bogart's Blob too. I'm Nelly and I have a brother - Finni - who sat in some GoosePoo today and had a green bum (Looks like you have canada geese in common)
We're raw fed pups so I'd crunch that bone - yummy!
We'll link to you, ok?
Nelly xx
Oh Dre, you crack my mom up! She says thank you.
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